You have to ask the right questions in order for you and your prospect to be on the same page.
- Do we need to include any other decision-makers?
- What would your ideal solution look like with no budget constraints?
- Why is this a priority for you now?
- What challenges take place in your sales process?
- Are you currently using another solution? If so, why are you switching?
- Has your team tried to use a similar product? If so, how did it go?
- How can I make this process as easy as possible?
- What’s your approximate budget for this project?
- What challenges have you experienced in the past year?
- What are your short-term goals? Long-term goals?
- What is your team hoping to accomplish in the next year?
- What do you perceive your needs to be? How important are they?
- Do you struggle with [common pain point]?
- Which resource could you use more of?
- Who are you working with now? Why did you choose that vendor?
- Where would you put the emphasis regarding price, quality, and service?
- What level of service are you looking for?
- What do you like (or dislike) about your current vendor/agency?
- What do you look for in the companies you do business with?
- What will it take for us to do business?
- How soon can we begin?
- What is my best shot at winning your account?
- (If they’re a returning customer) What impressed you the most?
- What’s the best time to touch base about the next steps?