How Long Does It Take To Rank On Google?

Santiago Sanches


- June 22, 2017

June 22, 2017

There is no pre-determined deadline for your website to start ranking on search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. A website can be indexed in a few days as it may take a few months, this will depend on how your site was built, optimized and how many links point to it.

Even if your website has already been indexed on search engines, it does not mean that it will start to generate money and sales, or that the people who access your site are searching for the service you offer. For this, you will need to work on optimizing your website to bring qualified traffic to it. Search engines use the sites they already know, and the site submission tools to find the new thousands of websites that are created daily. Until your site is found by search engines, it will be isolated on an island!

Try to think as follows: The Internet is a huge sea of ​​information that are presented in the form of websites. Once your site is created it will be isolated, like on an island where there are no bridges and no one knows the way. Once your website receives a link from a site that is already linked to the continent, a bridge is created so that your site is recognized by search engines and from there it starts to rank. Another way to get your website off this island is to submit it manually through the suggestion pages of websites.

Since there is no pre-determined period for your site to be indexed by search engines, ranking on Google may take a few weeks or even months. So, if your site does not appear on Google at all, wait a bit. Not just Google, but every search engine takes some time to find it. To find out if your website or a particular has page has already been indexed, simply type site: before your domain ( The results will show all pages of the site that have already been indexed.

What can help?

  • Landing pages: Landing pages are designed as separate pages, yet related to webpages, focused on simplifying core concepts of your business, making it easier for your target audience to convert
  • Link Building: Search engines crawl a vast amount of content online, including websites, images, text, and more. In this sense, links act as streets for the crawlers to reach your website, so the more quality links, the better!
  • Indexing by Google Search Console: One way is to request indexing directly to Google. It requires a little knowledge in the area, but it is quite easy to do.

How do I make my site rank on the first page of Google?

Your website will not magically rank on the first page of search engine results, despite being indexed by search engines. The issues of ranking in organic searches (those that do not involve sponsored links) go well beyond the discovery of your website.Strategies for ranking your website on Google make up what we call “SEO”, short for Search Engine Optimization, which involves technology, marketing and, most importantly, content. Ultimately, SEO content creation includes the following:

  • Blogs
  • Industry articles
  • Tutorials & How to Manuals
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics
  • Facebook pages
  • Twitter
  • Email Marketing

Improving the business website rank in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo involves digital marketing strategies that target higher search results in target markets. Through quality content that contains geo-targeted keywords for your industry, as well as local citations, business directory submissions and link building, it is possible to begin ranking higher in search engines!


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