As an online marketer, you must know that the success of your Facebook ad campaign depends on the number of clicks your ads get. When run successfully, your business can attract new customers and generate leads, allowing you to make huge profits as a result. @ One of the best ways to ensure the effectiveness of your Facebook ad campaign is by running ad contests! Here are the top Facebook ad contests that you can run to grab the attention of your online users while ensuring a return on investment.
1. Photo Contests
Photo contests with a voting option always create an extra buzz. This is because people love to share their photography efforts so they can get more votes and win. When running a photo contest, make sure to select a prize that is worth the fight. A grand prize will drive more and more traffic to your contest and make it viral and engaging.
For a user-generated photo contest, pick a winner randomly, or to be fair, the winner should be the entry that gets the most votes!
2. Referral Ad Contests
This type of contest goes something like this: a user enters your contest, but to increase their chance of winning, they will have to share your ad with their friends and family on Facebook and ask them to enter your contest as well. This is a great way to increase the pool of contestants and make your brand known to people all around the world!
Ideally, you should keep this ad going for 3 – 4 weeks so that a variety of people can enter the contest and have a chance to win.
3. Like-to-Win Contests
This is among the best and easiest Facebook ad contests, and it is one that can help you generate immediate ROI. Even the smallest of businesses can run this type of contest without a hitch.
All you have to do is ask the contestants to like a photo or video you have posted and voila – they have entered the competition! You can make the contest more fun by asking people to comment and re-post the photo/video on their Facebook pages.
4. Q & A Contests
A Q&A contest lets you interact with online users, which is a terrific way to increase engagement and traffic. Through a Q&A contest, you can gather information about your followers’ likes and dislikes. You can also collect their feedback to further enhance your brand.
The prize winner of this contest can be the one who gives the best answer!
5. Crowdsource Contests
You can post a photo of two of your products and ask your contestants to comment on which style they like better. For instance, an image of two handbags that each have a different color. You can note down what most people like, and then you can churn out more products just like that.
Ad contests are extremely popular on Facebook. They entice people to participate in them and generate a lot of buzz around brands and their products and services. Pick and choose the type of Facebook ad contests that will be profitable to your business and get your audience hooked!